Leonardo DiCaprio and "Juno's" Ellen Page share the screen in "Inception," opening nationwide on Friday. The sci-fi thriller centers on DiCaprio's character Cobb, a thief who extracts valuable information from people's subconscious minds."Inception" is rated PG-13.
Leonardo DiCaprio and "Juno's" Ellen Page share the screen in "Inception," opening nationwide on Friday. The sci-fi thriller centers on DiCaprio's character Cobb, a thief who extracts valuable information from people's subconscious minds."Inception" is rated PG-13.
The Sorcerer's Apprentice
Nicolas Cage gets magical on the big screen in "The Sorcerer's Apprentice," in theaters nationwide this Friday. Cage is benevolent sorcerer Balthazar Blake. Jay Baruchel plays Dave Stutler, a seemingly average guy who Balthazar recruits and trains to do battle with evil sorcerer Maxim Horvath. "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" is rated PG. Click here for the official Disney website and movie trailer.