"American Idol" auditions are set to begin next month. The first audition date will be Saturday, July 17th at Nashville, Tennessee's Bridgestone Arena. It will mark the first time in the show's history that judge Simon Cowell will not be present for "Idol's" audition rounds. New this year is the minimum age requirement, which is being lowered from age 16 to 15. "The maximum age limit for "Idol" hopefuls stays at 28.
Other "American Idol" Summer Audition Dates:
Wednesday, July 21st -- Milwaukee, WI -- Bradley Center
Monday, July 26th -- New Orleans, LA -- Location TBA
Tuesday, August 3rd -- East Rutherfrod, NJ -- Izod Center
Wednesday, August 11th -- Austin, TX -- Frank Erwin Center
Thursday, August 19th -- San Francisco, CA -- AT&T Park
"American Idol" auditions are set to begin next month. The first audition date will be Saturday, July 17th at Nashville, Tennessee's Bridgestone Arena. It will mark the first time in the show's history that judge Simon Cowell will not be present for "Idol's" audition rounds. New this year is the minimum age requirement, which is being lowered from age 16 to 15. "The maximum age limit for "Idol" hopefuls stays at 28.
Other "American Idol" Summer Audition Dates:
Wednesday, July 21st -- Milwaukee, WI -- Bradley Center
Monday, July 26th -- New Orleans, LA -- Location TBA
Tuesday, August 3rd -- East Rutherfrod, NJ -- Izod Center
Wednesday, August 11th -- Austin, TX -- Frank Erwin Center
Thursday, August 19th -- San Francisco, CA -- AT&T Park