Ashton Kutcher stars opposite Katherine Heigl in the romantic action comedy "Killers," opening nationwide on Friday. Heigl plays Jennifer, a guileless young woman who falls for Spencer, a CIA agent played by Kutcher, while on vacation in Europe. When the couple gets married and returns to everyday life, Spencer's career choice stirs up chaos."Killers" is rated PG-13.
"Marmaduke," the classic comic strip about a big dog with a big heart comes to the silver screen this Friday. Owen Wilson provides the voice for Marmaduke, leading a cast of celebrity voices. The live-action "Marmaduke" is rated PG.
Get Him To The Greek
Russell Brand is back as rock star Aldous Snow in "Get Him To The Greek," which opens nationwide on Friday. Snow -- a spinoff character from 2008's "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" -- has hit the skids in this film. A comedy, "Get Him To The Greek" is rated R.
Oscar-winner Adrian Brody stars in the scifi thriller "Splice," opening nationwide on Friday. Brody plays Clive, a rogue genetic researcher who creates hybrids of various species. they unleash a dangerous force into the universe. "Splice" is rated R.