Friday, June 11, 2010


The A-Team

An ensemble cast led by Liam Neeson revives the 1980s TV series "The A-Team" for the big screen. The action film opens nationwide this weekend. Neeson plays Colonel John "Hannibal" Smith, the leader of a disgraced group of former soldiers-for-hire. "The A-Team" is rated PG-13.
Click here for all about the 2010 "A-Team."

The Karate Kid

Jaden Smith kicks up the action in "The Karate Kid," in nationwide release this weekend. Smith -- the son of Will and Jada Pinkett Smith -- plays Dre, a 12-year-old who is transplanted from Detroit to Beijing, China. When bullies get the better of him in his new town, Dre seeks out Mr. Han -- played by Jackie Chan -- to learn how to defend himself. "The Karate Kid" is rated PG.
Click here for more on "The Karate Kid' 2010 version.